News & Press Releases


Retinal Physician January/February 2024 image
Ophthalmology Retina November, 2023, Volume 7, Number 11 image
Retina Today April 2023, Vol 18, No 3 image
Ophthalmology Retina July 2022, Volume 6, Number 7 image
Ophthalmology Science March 2022 image
New Retinal Physician November/December 2021 image
Ophthalmic Professional September 2021 image
Optometric Management August 2021 image
Ophthalmology August 2021 - Volume 128, Issue 8 image
Retinal Physician June, 2021 image
Mivision June 2021 - Issue 168 image
Review of Ophthalmology May 2021 image
Optometric Management May 2021 image
New Retinal Physician May 2021 image
Review of Optometry February 2021 image
Ophthalmology Retina February 2021, Volume 5 Issue 2 image
Retinal Physician November/December 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina November 2020, Volume 4, Issue 11 image
Retinal Physician October 2020 image
Retinal Physician September 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina August 2020 image
Equipment Magazine June 2020 image
Optometric Management May 2020, Volume 55, No. 5 image
Retinal Physician January/February 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 4, Number 1 January 2020 image
Retina Specialist Volume 5, Number 6 - November/December 2019 image
OSLI Retina Volume 50, Number 8 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Number 9, August 2019 image
Ophthalmology Management July 2019 image
Retinal Physician July/August 2019 image
Review of Optometry June 2019 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Number 6 – June 2019 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 54, Issue 2 image
Retina Today Volume 14, No. 3, April 2019 image
Clinical and Experimental Optometry March 2019 Volume 102 Number 2 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2019 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology December 2018 image
Retinal Physician September 2018 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2018 image
Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases July/August 2018 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology August 2018 image
Retinal Physician July/August 2018 image
Retinal Physician  May 2018 image
Retinal Physician April 2018 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2018 image
Ophthalmology Volume 1235, Number 2, February 2018 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 52, Number 6, December 2017 image
Canadian Journal of Optometry Volume 79, Supplement 2, 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 6, November/December 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 4, July/August 2017 image
Ophthalmology Volume 124, Number 7, July 2017 image
Retinal Specialist June 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Issue 2, March/April 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 1, January/February 2017 image
OSLI Retina December 2016 image
Retinal Physician November/December 2016 image
Ophthalmology November/December 2016 image
Retinal Physician March 2016 image
Retina Specialist March 2016 image
Retina Today DME Supplement, January/February 2016 image
Optometric Office January 2016 image
New Zealand Optics November 2015 image
Review of Optometry November 2015 image
Review of Optometry May 2015 image
Retinal Physician April 2015 image
Ophthalmology Retina September 2022, Volume 6, Number 9 image
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Retinal Physician January/February 2024 image
Retinal Physician
January/February 2024

On the Cover: Boston grid superimposed on an UWF, optomap fundus image. From “Peripheral Retinal Changes in AMD,” page 12 (Retinal Physician).

Retinal Physician January/February 2024 image
Ophthalmology Retina November, 2023, Volume 7, Number 11 image
Ophthalmology Retina
November, 2023, Volume 7, Number 11

On the cover: “Healing Retinectomy Edge After Schisis-Detachment Repair” by Sarah Skiles, CRA and Jonathan Russell, MD (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA). Equipment: Optos California.

Ophthalmology Retina November, 2023, Volume 7, Number 11 image
Retina Today April 2023, Vol 18, No 3 image
Retina Today
April 2023, Vol 18, No 3

Image compilation including optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging.

Retina Today April 2023, Vol 18, No 3 image
Ophthalmology Retina July 2022, Volume 6, Number 7 image
Ophthalmology Retina
July 2022, Volume 6, Number 7

On the Cover: "Successfully Radiated Retinoblastoma after 30 Years" by David H. Abramson, MD, FACS, Jasmine H. Francis, MD, FACS, David K. Mock, COA, and Monica Adu (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY). Equipment: Optos (California).

Ophthalmology Retina July 2022, Volume 6, Number 7 image
Ophthalmology Science March 2022 image
Ophthalmology Science
March 2022

On the Cover: “What may lie beneath: A look at AMD with ICG angiography” by Dena Harris, CRA (Kellogg Eye Center University of Michigan, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI) was the Second Place winner in the Indocyanine Green Angiography category at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2021 Scientific Exhibition ( Equipment used: OPTOS California.

Ophthalmology Science March 2022 image
New Retinal Physician November/December 2021 image
New Retinal Physician
November/December 2021

On the Cover: Choroidal Rupture. Hemang K Pandya, MD, Dallas Retina Center.

New Retinal Physician November/December 2021 image
Ophthalmic Professional September 2021 image
Ophthalmic Professional
September 2021

On the Cover: At Retina Specialists of Michigan, Olivia Rainey, OCT-C, COA, director of photography, demonstrates ultra-widefield imaging (California, Optos) with Brittany Rota, technician. Photo by David Sparks

Ophthalmic Professional September 2021 image
Optometric Management August 2021 image
Optometric Management
August 2021

On the Cover: Image courtesy of Optos.

Optometric Management August 2021 image
Ophthalmology August 2021 - Volume 128, Issue 8 image
August 2021 - Volume 128, Issue 8

On the cover: Choroidal metastasis from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma., y Saki Akou,CO, Photographer; Katsuhide Yamadera, CO, Photographer; Hisashi Fukuyama, MD, PhD, Clinician; Fumi Gomi, MD, Clinician (Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan).Equipment: Optos

Ophthalmology August 2021 - Volume 128, Issue 8 image
Retinal Physician June, 2021 image
Retinal Physician
June, 2021

Optos on the Cover: Drs. Salabati, Soares, and Hsu utilize optomap technology for their article “Loss to Follow-up After Anti-VEGF for AMD and DR”.

Retinal Physician June, 2021 image
Mivision June 2021 - Issue 168 image
June 2021 - Issue 168
Mivision June 2021 - Issue 168 image
Review of Ophthalmology May 2021 image
Review of Ophthalmology
May 2021

On the Cover: Color optomap image of Chronic birdshot chorioretinitis. Image courtesy of Pauline T. Merrill, MD.

Review of Ophthalmology May 2021 image
Optometric Management May 2021 image
Optometric Management
May 2021

On the Cover: Optos UWF image of proliferative DR with multiple pre-retinal hemorrhages, intraretinal dot and blot hemorrhages and superior/inferior scars from previous pan-retinal photocoagulation treatment. Images courtesy of Hannah Calvelli, O.D.

Optometric Management May 2021 image
New Retinal Physician May 2021 image
New Retinal Physician
May 2021

On the Cover: Image courtesy of Mitul Mehta, MD

New Retinal Physician May 2021 image
Review of Optometry February 2021 image
Review of Optometry
February 2021

On the Cover: Navigating the Retinal Periphery. Mohammad Rafieetary, OD

Review of Optometry February 2021 image
Ophthalmology Retina February 2021, Volume 5 Issue 2 image
Ophthalmology Retina
February 2021, Volume 5 Issue 2

On the Cover: Double bubble posterior hypopyon in a patient with a presumed tubercularchoroidal granuloma”by Deeksha Katoch, M.S.; Vipin Rana, MS, FICO, MRCS (Ed);Atul Arora, MS; Arun Kapil, Chief Retinal Photographer (Advanced Eye Centre, PostGraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India). EquipmentUsed: Optos California ultra-widefield imaging 200 DTx icg, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Ophthalmology Retina February 2021, Volume 5 Issue 2 image
Retinal Physician November/December 2020 image
Retinal Physician
November/December 2020

On the Cover: An optomap fundus photograph showing peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy. From “Choroidal Melanoma or Peripheral Exudative Hemorrhagic Chorioretinopathy,”

Retinal Physician November/December 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina November 2020, Volume 4, Issue 11 image
Ophthalmology Retina
November 2020, Volume 4, Issue 11

On the Cover: “Vitreoretinopathy in a patient with Stickler syndrome. ”Veil-like vitreous condensations are apparent posteriorly along with patches of perivascular lattice. Nikita Gupta, MS; Atul Arora, MS; Ramandeep Singh, MS; Arun Kapil, Chief Retinal Photographer (Advanced Eye Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India). Equipment: Optos ultra-widefield imaging 200 Tx, V2 Vantage Pro software.

Ophthalmology Retina November 2020, Volume 4, Issue 11 image
Retinal Physician October 2020 image
Retinal Physician
October 2020

On the Cover: Fundus photograph of delayed-onset retinal detachment in the setting of postoperative Streptococcus intermedius endophthalmitis. From “Management of Concurrent and Delayed-Onset Retinal Detachment Associated With Endophthalmitis,” page 14.

Retinal Physician October 2020 image
Retinal Physician September 2020 image
Retinal Physician
September 2020

On the Cover: Ultrawidefield fluorescein angiography (Optos) of a 47-year-old female with hemoglobin SC sickle cell disease showing sea-fan neovascularization in the peripheral retina of the left eye.

Retinal Physician September 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina August 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina
August 2020

Volume 4, Number 8

On the cover: “Retinal Detachment” by James Gilman, CRA, FOPS (Moran Eye Center, Salt Lake City, UT) was Honorable Mention in the Color Fundus Ultra-Wide Angle category at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2019 Scientific Exhibition ( The patient is a 60 year-old white male with a history of macula off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment who later underwent pars plan vitrectomy, cryo, SF6. Equipment: Optos California.

Ophthalmology Retina August 2020 image
Equipment Magazine June 2020 image
Equipment Magazine
June 2020

On The Cover: Monaco from Optos, ultra-widefield Image reveals moderate NPDR with peripheral
lesions and no DME. Image courtesy of Michael Singer MD.

Equipment Magazine June 2020 image
Optometric Management May 2020, Volume 55, No. 5 image
Optometric Management
May 2020, Volume 55, No. 5

On the Cover: optomap image showing Dry AMD. Elizabeth Steele, OD

Optometric Management May 2020, Volume 55, No. 5 image
Retinal Physician January/February 2020 image
Retinal Physician
January/February 2020

On the Cover: Opportunities to Define the Imaging Phenotype Duriye Damla Sevgi, MD and Justis P Ehlers, MD

Retinal Physician January/February 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 4, Number 1 January 2020 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 4, Number 1 January 2020

On the Cover: Retinal Capillary Hemangioblastoma–"Double Disc Appearance" by Ram-andeep Singh, MS, Priya Bajgai, MS, Arun Kapil, Chief Retinal Photographer (AdvancedEye Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh,India). Equipment: Optos P200Tx

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 4, Number 1 January 2020 image
Retina Specialist Volume 5, Number 6 - November/December 2019 image
Retina Specialist
Volume 5, Number 6 - November/December 2019

On the Cover: Single-capture, ultra-widefield optomap icg image of an eye with birdshot choroiditis. The white circle marks the locations of vortex vein ampullae in all four quadrants. The International Widefield Imaging Study Group definition of an UWF image is one that includes retinal anatomy anterior to the vortex vein ampullae, in all four quadrants. Image courtesy of Optos.

Retina Specialist Volume 5, Number 6 - November/December 2019 image
OSLI Retina Volume 50, Number 8 image
OSLI Retina
Volume 50, Number 8

August 2019

On the Cover: Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation Associated With Bladder Cancer: A Novel Imaging Finding. Roderick O'Day, MBBS; Kira Michalova, MD, FRANZCO; William G. Campbell, MRCP (UK), FRANZCO

OSLI Retina Volume 50, Number 8 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Number 9, August 2019 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 3, Number 9, August 2019

On the Cover
Peripheral ischemia with I.R.V.A.N. (Idiopathic retinal vasculitis, aneu-rysms, and neuroretinitis) Five Optos California Ultra-wide images were montaged inPhotoshop so that all of the retina could be viewed in a single image, by Chris Barry (LionsEye Institute, Australia). Third Place winner Fluorescein Angiogram category at theOphthalmic Photographers’Society 2018 Scientific Exhibition (

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Number 9, August 2019 image
Ophthalmology Management July 2019 image
Ophthalmology Management
July 2019

On the cover: Ultra-widefield image (Optos) shows diabetic retinopathy hemorrhages in the periphery. Image courtesy David Brown, MD.

Ophthalmology Management July 2019 image
Retinal Physician July/August 2019 image
Retinal Physician
July/August 2019

ON THE COVER: A 14-year-old female with lesions suggestive of choroidal melanoma who underwent transvitreal fine-needle
aspiration biopsy. This image shows a small area of hemorrhage on the site of puncture, which resolved. See “Diagnostic Biopsy of
Intraocular Tumors”.

Retinal Physician July/August 2019 image
Review of Optometry June 2019 image
Review of Optometry
June 2019

On the Cover: A Field Guide to Retinal Holes and Tears. Mohammad Rafieetary, OD and Stephen Huddleston, MD

Review of Optometry June 2019 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Number 6 – June 2019 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 3, Number 6 – June 2019

Cover Image: Fundus Autofluorescence in ABCA4-gene associated Stargardt Disease. Submitted by Denise A Krolnik (Photographer), Kathleen A Regan MD, and Kimberly E Stepien MD. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Ophthalmology and VisualSciences). Equipment: Optos 200Tx with ResMax

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Number 6 – June 2019 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 54, Issue 2 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 54, Issue 2

Cover Image: Emulsified silicone oil implant forming a horizontal level in the posterior segment, several years after implantation with retinal detachment repair. From a team at Dalhousie University School of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences.

Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 54, Issue 2 image
Retina Today Volume 14, No. 3, April 2019 image
Retina Today
Volume 14, No. 3, April 2019

Cover Image: Provided by Dean Eliott, MD, a member of the Retina Today Editorial Advisory Board, and Kareem Moussa, MD. Dr. Eliott is the Stelios Evangelos Gragoudas Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Eliott is also the Director of the Retina Service and the vitreoretinal fellowship at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. Dr. Moussa is a second-year vitreoretinal fellow at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. The photographers for this case were John Hensel, OCT-C; and Roy Salvador, COA, who captured the images during two sessions at Massachusetts Eye and Ear.

Retina Today Volume 14, No. 3, April 2019 image
Clinical and Experimental Optometry March 2019 Volume 102 Number 2 image
Clinical and Experimental Optometry
March 2019 Volume 102 Number 2
Clinical and Experimental Optometry March 2019 Volume 102 Number 2 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2019 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2019

Cover Image: “Giant Retinal Tear” by James Gilman, CRA, FOPS (Project Administrator for the Moran Eye Center) was the Third Place winner in the Ultra-widefield Imaging at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2017 Scientific Exhibition (<>). Equipment: Optos California.

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2019 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology December 2018 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology
December 2018
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology December 2018 image
Retinal Physician September 2018 image
Retinal Physician
September 2018

On the cover: Surgical Management of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

Retinal Physician September 2018 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2018 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2018

Cover Image: “Asteroid Hyalosis” by James Gilman, CRA, FOPS (Project Administrator for the Moran Eye Center) was the First Place winner in the Ultra-widefield Imaging at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2017 Scientific Exhibition ( Equipment: Optos California.

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2018 image
Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases July/August 2018 image
Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases
July/August 2018

On the Cover: Saturday night retinopathy after intranasal heroin. Top: (Left) Widefield fundus photo of affected right eye displaying diffuse retinal whitening without cherry red spot. (Right) Fluorescein angiogram displaying patchy choroidal filling and poor macular filling. Bottom: Brain MRI FLAIR imaging displaying diffusion restriction of optic nerve (arrow in left photo) and bilateral hippocampal diffusion restriction and swelling (arrows in right photo). (Photos courtesy of Huy V. Nguyen, MD, Victoria S. North, MD, Patrick Oellers, MD, and Deeba Husain, MD.)

Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases July/August 2018 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology August 2018 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology
August 2018
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology August 2018 image
Retinal Physician July/August 2018 image
Retinal Physician
July/August 2018

On the Cover: Ultra-widefield fundus photograph of a retinal detachment due to macular hole in a high myopic eye, from “Macular Buckling Technique in High Myopia.” 

Image courtesy of Micol Alkabes, MD and Carols Mateo, MD

Retinal Physician July/August 2018 image
Retinal Physician  May 2018 image
Retinal Physician
May 2018

On the Cover: Optos preoperative photo of the right eye of a 35-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes who experienced progressively decreased visual acuity to hand motions. A large frond of fibrovascular membranes is seen superotemporally, causing a tractional retinal detachment in that area. A peripheral tractional and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is seen from 12 o'clock to 8 o'clock. The patient underwent a bevacizumab injection 3 days before vitrectomy 1 month post 27-gauge vitrectomy with probe-only lift, shave dissection techniques, and 1,000-centistoke silicone oil tamponade. The retina is fully attached, and the best corrected visual acuity is 20/70.

Retinal Physician  May 2018 image
Retinal Physician April 2018 image
Retinal Physician
April 2018

On the Cover: Bullous serous retinal detachment from uveitis.

Image courtesy of Tara A. McCannel MD, PHD

Retinal Physician April 2018 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2018 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2018

Cover Image: Ultra-widefield fundus photograph (optomap) of postoperative day 1 showing subretinal air with complete displacement of the subretinal hemorrhage inferiorly (sitting position), and partial gas fill in the vitreous cavity, preventing the subretinal air from migrating superiorly to keep it more posterior and allow complete displacement.

From Sharma S, et al, “Pneumatic Displacement of Submacular Hemorrhage with Subretinal Air and Tissue Plasminogen Activator: Initial United States Experience” on page 180 in this issue.

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2018 image
Ophthalmology Volume 1235, Number 2, February 2018 image
Volume 1235, Number 2, February 2018

Cover Image: "Argus Retinal Prosthesis" by Robert Prusak, CRA (Kellogg Eye Center, Ann Arbor, MI) was the Second Place winner in the Instrumentation category at the OPS 2016 Scientific Exhibition. The prosthesis is implanted in a patient with retinitis pigmentosa.

Imaged on a 200Tx from Optos.

Ophthalmology Volume 1235, Number 2, February 2018 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 52, Number 6, December 2017 image
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 52, Number 6, December 2017

Cover Image: An optomap ultra-widefield color fundus image of the right eye showing two pigmented choroidal masses at diagnosis with orange pigment overlying both lesions.

Image provided by: Padron-Perez N, et al., "Bilateral multiple iridociliary cysts in diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation", Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 52, Number 6.

Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 52, Number 6, December 2017 image
Canadian Journal of Optometry Volume 79, Supplement 2, 2017 image
Canadian Journal of Optometry
Volume 79, Supplement 2, 2017

Cover Image: 2017 CAO Clinical Practice Guideline: Optometric Care of the Patient with Diabetes (image supplied by Optos, Inc and taken by Professor Paolo Stanga.)

Canadian Journal of Optometry Volume 79, Supplement 2, 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 6, November/December 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 1, Number 6, November/December 2017

Cover Image: Uveitis with Progressive Subretinal Fibrosis in a Young Child e Starry Sky Appearance on the Retina.  A 10-year-old female child with delayed development and taking oral anti-epileptics presented with decreased vision in both eyes, right worse than left. On examination, there were multiple round lesions over the posterior pole of the fundus with subretinal fibrosis. Image captured using Optos 200Tx.


Imaged By:

Arun Kapil, Advanced Eye Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 6, November/December 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 4, July/August 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 1, Number 4, July/August 2017

Cover Image: “Retinal Detachment” by Sarah M Armstrong, CRA, OCT-C, FOPS (University of North Carolina Kittner Eye Center, Chapel Hill, NC) received Honorable Mention in the Ultra-Widefield Imaging category at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2016 Scientific Exhibit (

This image was obtained with the Optos California (Optos plc, Dunfermline, Scotland, UK). During this initial visit, patient was seen by Michelle Go, MD; Kevin Gertsch, MD; and Ali Torab Parhiz, MD.

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 4, July/August 2017 image
Ophthalmology Volume 124, Number 7, July 2017 image
Volume 124, Number 7, July 2017

Cover Image: “Fovea-sparing Choroideremia” by Tim Steffens (University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center) was the Second place winner in Cross Categories at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2016 Scientific Exhibition (

Fundus, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and autofluorescence images of a 38-year-old man with choroideremia-like phenotype (CHM gene mutations negative). The fundus shows extreme loss of choriocapillaris and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) leaving intact islands of retina. The OCT shows loss of RPE by the signal penetrating through into the choroid.

Ophthalmology Volume 124, Number 7, July 2017 image
Retinal Specialist June 2017 image
Retinal Specialist
June 2017

Cover Image: Color fundus photograph of bird-shot retinochoroiditis in a 62-year-old woman Courtesy Vicky Wolzen, CRA, COA, Dean McGee Eye Institute.

Content provided for article, A Long-term Game Plan for Noninfectious Uveitis, article written by, Sam S. Dahr, MD

Retinal Specialist June 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Issue 2, March/April 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 1, Issue 2, March/April 2017

Cover Image: Ultra-widefield color imaging showing angioid streaks around the optic disc in a 47-year-old man with pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Comet lesions are visible in the retinal periphery. Adapted from Marchese A et al, “Ultra-widefield imaging in patients with angioid streaks secondary to pseudoxanthoma elasticum” on page 137 in this issue. Color ultra-widefield fundus photo captured by optomap California fundus camera (Optos PLC, Dunfermline, UK).

Photographers: Adriano Carnevali, MD, and Lea Querques, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy.

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Issue 2, March/April 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 1, January/February 2017 image
Ophthalmology Retina
Volume 1, Number 1, January/February 2017

Cover Image: Gaucher’s disease. Baseline photograph OD taken of a 15-year-old male with a history of strabismus, bilateral 6th nerve palsy, and Gaucher's disease. Macula and vessel findings were observed to be normal. However, ultra-widefield imaging revealed numerous white deposits of varying size found in all four quadrants of the midperipheral retina bilaterally. The image was captured using Optos P200Tx.

Imaged by: Ryan Imperio, CRA, OCT-C

Ophthalmology Retina Volume 1, Number 1, January/February 2017 image
OSLI Retina December 2016 image
OSLI Retina
December 2016

Cover Image: (A,B) Ultra-widefield color fundus and autofluorescence photos of the left eye of a 69-year old woman with a history of ROP showing typical pigmentary changes and patches of lattice degneration. (C-E) There is an area of tractional retinoschisis in the temporal macula associated with dense hyaloidal organization. (F,G) Ultra-widefield color fundus photo of the right eye of a 65-year old patient with history of ROP. Notice the characterisic straightening of the vessels and peripheral pigmentary changes in the temporal macula. (H) There is tractional retininoschisis along the superior temporal vascular arcade. (I,J) Preservation of inner retinal layers after laser photocoagulation with associated choroidal excavation (arrows).

Paper and images by: Aristomenis Thanos, MD, et al.

OSLI Retina December 2016 image
Retinal Physician November/December 2016 image
Retinal Physician
November/December 2016

Cover Image: Clinical features of DR may include hemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton wool spots, and/or neovascularization.

Paper and image by: Maxwell S. Stem, MD and Maria A. Woodward, MD, MS.

Retinal Physician November/December 2016 image
Ophthalmology November/December 2016 image
November/December 2016

Cover Image: “Double Bubble Trouble.” Intravitreal live dual. Cysticercus cysts with scolex protruding out of the cyst along with total retinal detachment.

Submitted by: Dr Ravi Bypareddy and Rohan Chawla; Photographer: Kabiruddin Molla, Bsc (Optometry) and Dr. Karthikeyan Mahalingam. Affiliation: Dr Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India 110029. Equipment: Optos 200Tx.

Ophthalmology November/December 2016 image
Retinal Physician March 2016 image
Retinal Physician
March 2016

Cover Image: Optos UWF image of a patient with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. This image reveals significant pathology, including ischemia and neovascularization outside the traditional imaging area. This patient was treated with targeted panretinal photocoagulation using the UWF FA as a guide for lasering the areas of nonperfusion.

Paper and image by: Irene Rusu, MD et al.

Retinal Physician March 2016 image
Retina Specialist March 2016 image
Retina Specialist
March 2016

Cover Image: Image shows a patient with an inferior retinal detachment, shallow submacular fluid associated with hard exudates and subretinal fibrosis. Creamy subretinal infiltrates along the superotemporal arcade also visible. Optical coherence tomography with a cut through the superotemporal arcade showed dialated choroidal vasculature, multiple pigment epithelial detachments and hyper reflective subretinal infiltration.

Paper and images by: Duncan Berry, MD et al.

Retina Specialist March 2016 image
Retina Today DME Supplement, January/February 2016 image
Retina Today
DME Supplement, January/February 2016

Cover Image: optomap image courtesy of Optos

Retina Today DME Supplement, January/February 2016 image
Optometric Office January 2016 image
Optometric Office
January 2016

The Daytona is significantly smaller than previous devices. The technology also captures FAF images. In addition, the Daytona and California (shown) image 82% or 200 degrees of the retina in a single capture.

Cover image: optomap image courtesy of Optos

Optometric Office January 2016 image
New Zealand Optics November 2015 image
New Zealand Optics
November 2015

Cover Image: California image showing Diabetic Retinopathy and PRP.

Imaged by: Professor Paulo E. Stanga

New Zealand Optics November 2015 image
Review of Optometry November 2015 image
Review of Optometry
November 2015

Cover Image: shows an 8mm x 6mm mottled melanotic choroidal nevus with no appreciable thickening in the superior mid-periphery, with overlaying drusen and intra-retinal hemorrhaging. There are also intra-retinal hemorrhages extending into the superior periphery. The lesion has no evidence of orange pigment or subretinal fluid.

Paper and images by: Sara Weidmeyer, OD et al.

Review of Optometry November 2015 image
Review of Optometry May 2015 image
Review of Optometry
May 2015

Cover Image: Primarily peripheral lesions in a patient with moderately severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. This patient has high risk of progression and proliferative disease.

Paper and images by: A. Paul Chous, MA, OD.

Review of Optometry May 2015 image
Retinal Physician April 2015 image
Retinal Physician
April 2015

On the Evolution of Retinal Laser Photocoagulation.

Cover image: optomap image courtesy of Optos

Retinal Physician April 2015 image
Ophthalmology Retina September 2022, Volume 6, Number 9 image
Ophthalmology Retina
September 2022, Volume 6, Number 9

On the cover: “Giant Retinal Tear” by Govindarajan Jayaraman (Senior Ophthalmic Photographer, Seri Research Clinic, Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore) was the Honorable Mention winner in the Ultra-Widefield Imaging category at the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society 2021 Scientific Exhibition. Equipment: Optos California.

Ophthalmology Retina September 2022, Volume 6, Number 9 image


Press releases, select articles, peer-reviewed papers, and key clinical findings. Listed chronologicially by year.


Optos Unveils MonacoPro

Optos Unveils MonacoPro: The Next Generation in Integrated Ultra-widefield and OCT Retinal Imaging 

Optos Celebrates Key Milestones: 25,000 Devices Installed Globally and Extensive Clinical Publications Achieved

2,500 clinical and peer-reviewed studies reached which span 235 disease states, demonstrating the clinical utility of Optos technology.

Optos showcases cutting-edge Retinal Imaging Technology at 23rd EURETINA congress

Optos, Plc, the leading retinal imaging company, today announces the advances of Ultra-widefield Multimodal Retinal Imaging, a central focus of Optos’ satellite symposia at EURETINA 2023.

Optos announces new Ultra-widefield color image modality, providing additional retinal visualization to eyecare professionals

Optos, Plc, the leading retinal imaging company, today announces, it is expanding the optomap® ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging modalities available with the California FA device to further assist Eyecare Professionals in disease management and treatment planning.

Leading Scottish eye imaging company Optos reports significant growth with 22,000 devices installed globally – just in time for its 30th anniversary

Optos, a Fife-based company, has reported significant growth with record group revenue of $254m in the year to March 22 and more than 22,000 devices installed worldwide. 

Product Announcement: Optos AI for DR

Optos Plc, Unveils the First AI-based Solution for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using optomap® Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging 


Next Generation Daytona
Optos wins Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award to support the early detection of diabetes in NHS patients

Optos, a Fife based company and a world-leader in the design and manufacturing of advanced retinal imaging technology, has been awarded NHS funding to accelerate the implementation and validation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support the early detection of Diabetes related eye-disease into NHS Diabetic Eye Screening practices.

Optos Cares About Our Customers
Clearing Up The Language of Retinal Imaging

A review of the International Widefield Imaging Study Group recommendations for a terminology to describe image captures from various modalities.

Optos plc, Unveils Silverstone, a Combined Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging Device and UWF-Guided Swept Source OCT for the Ophthalmic Market

Optos plc, the leading medical retinal imaging company, part of Nikon Corporation, is pleased to announce the launch of Silverstone at the American Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, CA.

2019 Queen's Award for Enterprise Innovation

Optos business’ mission to save eyesight is recognised by Queen’s Awards

Clinical Applicability of Assessing Peripheral Nonperfusion on Ultra-Widefield Angiography: Predicting Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

Given the well-documented relationship between posterior pole nonperfusion and DR progression, it is logical that greater peripheral nonperfusion on ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography is also associated with higher likelihood of PDR.

Eyes on the prize: Optos wins for second year running at UK optical awards
Eyes on the prize: Optos wins for second year running at UK optical awards

Dunfermline-based Optos, a leading provider of retinal imaging devices, kept its crown at this year’s Optician Awards in Birmingham (30th March), claiming the title of Optical Supplier of the Year for the second time in a row.

Expanding the role of medical retina virtual clinics using multimodal ultra-widefield and optical coherence tomography imaging
Expanding the role of medical retina virtual clinics using multimodal ultra-widefield and optical coherence tomography imaging

Expanding the role of medical retina virtual clinics using multimodal ultra-widefield and optical coherence tomography imaging

New Ultra-widefield Angiographic Grading Scheme for Radiation Retinopathy after Iodine-125 Bracytherapy for Uveal Melanoma
New Ultra-widefield Angiographic Grading Scheme for Radiation Retinopathy after Iodine-125 Bracytherapy for Uveal Melanoma

Ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography revealed distinct fundus-wide patterns of vascular damage, which were progressive in nature in eyes treated with iodine-125 brachytherapy for uveal melanoma and correlated with signs of progressive vascular injury. This grading scheme may have prognostic value to predict the progression of radiation retinopathy and to prognosticate visual outcomes in patients undergoing brachytherapy.

Going Ultra-wide
Going Ultra-wide

optomap UWF technology from Optos, is the only technology that can image beyond the vortex ampullae (up to 200° or 82% of the retina) in a single capture. optomap is available on all of our devices in all modalities and with Monaco, it can be paired with integrated spectral-domain OCT. 

New High-Tech Eye Exam Helps Doctors Detect Serious Health Issues Much Sooner — Even Breast Cancer

There's new eye equipment that makes finding potential vision problems easier and more. The first advantage with this device is that it eliminates the need for your eyes to be dilated when doctors look for things like glaucoma and cataracts and it's also helping doctors detect serious health issues.

Optos and Amydis Establish Clinical Alliance to Develop Early Diagnostic Test for Alzheimer’s Disease

Optos Plc, a subsidiary of Nikon Corporation, Japan, and Amydis, Inc. today announced a clinical alliance focused on the development of an eye test by Amydis to detect Alzheimer’s disease.  Amydis has developed a pipeline of compounds to detect amyloid proteins in the retina to be visualized with Optos’ market-leading optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging devices to diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease in patients.  

Catching Eye Disease Associated with Diabetes
UWF imaging could help to monitor disease progression in patients with Alzheimers
UWF imaging could help to monitor disease progression in patients with Alzheimers

Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have shown for the first time that the eye could be a surrogate for brain degeneration like Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

These research results have recently been published in the Journal of Ophthalmic Research and is the first clinical study showing a potential for peripheral retinal imaging to be used in monitoring AD and potentially other neurodegenerative diseases.

The team, led by Dr Imre Lengyel, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the School of Medicine Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences at Queen’s University have found that by examining the eye we might be able to reflect on what might be taking place in the brain.

The work was carried out alongside health professionals and care providers for AD patients and explored whether there are manifestations of AD in the eye.

Based on laboratory observations the team hypothesized that changes in the peripheral retina could be important to explore the association between the eye and the brain.

Using ultra-widefield imaging technology developed by Optos Plc, the team found that there are indeed several changes that seem to be, especially in the peripheral retina, associated with this debilitating condition.

The utility of ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography in pediatric retinal diseases

Ultra-widefield angiography has been successfully used without sedation for evaluation of children with various pediatric retinal diseases such as Coats disease, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, and retinopathy of prematurity. 

Roadshow educates on the importance of regular eye exams
Roadshow educates on the importance of regular eye exams

Today, Monday 14th May 2018, Optos are joining BBGR (Nikon Lenswear France)* for their annual Vision Van – the ‘Tour de France’ to highlight the importance of regular eye tests to maintain good vision. The Vision Van is an optometry practice on wheels fully equipped with an Optos Daytona plus and full eye testing equipment. The van will provide free eye tests for local communities in six towns and cities across France to educate visitors the importance of regular, thorough eye health checks.

Optos plc, a Nikon company, unveils Monaco, its next generation ultra-widefield imaging device with OCT capabilities for the U.S. ophthalmic market

Optos plc, the leading medical retinal imaging company, part of Nikon Corporation, is pleased to announce that Monaco, the first ultra-widefield (UWF) imaging device combined with OCT, was launched today in the United States.

Optos crowned Optical Supplier of The Year
Optos crowned Optical Supplier of The Year

As a world leading manufacturer of retinal imaging technology, Optos was crowned Optical Supplier of the Year at the Optician Awards 2018 in Birmingham on Saturday 14th April. The awards are recognised as the benchmark of excellence in the UK optical community and showcase the best in achievement, ability and performance.

Peripheral Changes Associated with Delayed Dark Adaptation in Age-related Macular Degeneration

Results suggest an association between Dark Adaptation and the presence of peripheral reticular pigmentary changes, as well as the presence of a peripheral mottled decreased FAF pattern. This provides new insights on the clinical significance of peripheral changes in AMD, and their contribution to impairments on Dark Adaptation.

Peripheral Retinal Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Pilot Study

UWF retinal imaging revealed a significant association between AD and peripheral hard drusen formation and changes to the vasculature beyond the posterior pole, at BL and
after clinical progression over 2 years, suggesting that monitoring pathological changes in the peripheral retina might become a valuable tool in AD monitoring.

Optos and prominent optomap® users shortlisted for The Optician Awards

After being among the finalists for ‘Product of the Year’ for Daytona plus at the 2018 AOP Awards, we are pleased to announce that Optos has been shortlisted as ‘2018 Optical Supplier of the Year’ at the upcoming Optician Awards, “the benchmark of excellence in the Optical community” (

This year’s awards are even more exciting for Optos as we learn that a range of our UK customers have also made the finals across several categories.

Ophthalmology Retina - A Prospective Randomized Comparative Dosing Trial of Ranibizumab in Bevacizumab-Resistant Diabetic Macular Edema

After conversion to ranibizumab (from bevacizumab) in eyes with persistent DME refractory to bevacizumab, significant functional and anatomic improvements were noted.  Qualitative analysis of ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography images was performed to identify retinal vascular pathologic features, specifically by observing the presence of vascular leakage, neovascularization, macular ischemia, and peripheral ischemia.  The prevalence of macular ischemia was 33.3% at baseline and remained stable at study completion. Finally, the proportion of peripheral ischemia observed in participants increased from 66.7% at baseline to 70.3% at month 12, although the incidence of any leakage remained stable at month 12.

UWF Imaging Contributes to Earlier Disease Detection
UWF Imaging Contributes to Earlier Disease Detection

UWF Imaging Contributes to Earlier Disease Detection - New research confirms agreement with 7 standard field imaging 

Retina - Utility of Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging for the Staging and Management of Sickle Cell Retinopathy

Prospective, observational study including patients with sickle cell disease. All patients underwent dilated fundus examination by a fellowship-trained retina specialist, as well as UWF fundus photography (FF) and fluorescein angiography (FA). Sickle retinopathy stage and treatment recommendation per eye were determined after clinical examination, UWF-FF, and UWF-FA, respectively, and differences in retinopathy stage and treatment recommendation were compared.

Conclusion: Ultra-widefield imaging detects a higher stage of sickle cell retinopathy compared with clinical examination alone, but these differences may not be clinically significant.

AJO - Pericentral Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy in a Caucasian Female

The patient presented with 20 years of exposure to HCQ, at a daily dose of 5.2mg/kg of actual body weight, and manifested a pericentral-only phenotype of HCQ toxicity, as demonstrated with detailed structural and functional testing.

BMC Ophthalmology - The application of wide-field laser ophthalmoscopy in fundus examination before myopic refractive surgery

optomap examinations are a convenient and feasible method to determine fundus pathological changes in myopic patients, especially for patients who can not endure pupil dilation. Compared to the Goldmann three-mirror contact lens examination, the detection rate with optomap was 91.73%% for retinal lesions, while the detection rate of mydriatic slit-lamp lens exams was 81.20%.

OSLI - Non-Mydriatic Ultra-Widefield Imaging Compared With Single-Field Imaging in the Evaluation of Peripheral Retinal Pathology

In a primary health care clinic, 632 healthy subjects underwent UWF imaging during annual health screening.  optomap images detected peripheral retinal pathology in 18.4% that was not visible on corresponding single-field (45°) images.  UWF imaging is feasible in a primary care setting, allows improved visualization of peripheral retinal pathology, and may therefore be useful for telemedicine screening.

AJO - Peripheral pigmented retinal lesions in Stargardt disease

Wide-field retinal imaging revealed the presence of peripheral pigmented retinal lesions resembling CHRPE lesions in a subset of patients with genetically confirmed Stargardt disease. Presence of these lesions may be associated with severe phenotypes of the disease.

Clinical Ophthalmology - Telemedicine for diabetic retinopathy screening using an ultra-widefield fundus camera

The present study (1,024 subjects) has shown the effectiveness of DR screening using UWF fundus camera detecting 9.27% of patients with DR. It has also shown the effectiveness of trained nursing personnel taking fundus pictures. First, UWF imaging has a fast learning curve and it is quick to take the picture. Second, widefield view is greater than the 7-field photography enabling more DR lesions to be detected. And third, images can be manipulated in terms of red-free, infra-red and image zoom. Hence, the present telemedicine model has demonstrated that in a multi-specialty private hospital, DR screening can be effective using UWF fundus camera.

Ocular Immunology and Inflammation - The Impact and Implication of Peripheral Vascular Leakage in UWFFA in Uveitis

Peripheral vascular leakage (PVL) is a possible independent driver of treatment augmentation. Patients with PVL were four-times more likely to have treatment augmented after adjusting for baseline presence of CME, diffuse vascular leakage and clinical grading of uveitis activity. This suggests that PVL may have influenced the decision to augment therapy in patients.

Ocular Immunology and Inflammation - Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein Angiography in Intermediate Uveitis

UWFFA identifies retinal vascular pathology in intermediate uveitis not present on clinical examination. Diffuse retinal vascular leakage was associated with worse visual acuity when compared to peripheral and no leakage patterns.

Ophthalmic Epidemiology - Can ultra-wide field retinal imaging replace colour digital stereoscopy for glaucoma detection?

Grading of UWF imaging has high reproducibility in evaluating vertical cup-to-disc ratio and agreement with stereoscopic optic disc imaging and may be suitable for glaucoma diagnosis in situations where colour digital stereoscopy is not available.

Ophthalmology Retina - Morphological and Angiographic Peripheral Retinal Changes in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Peripheral retinal changes were observed peripheral to the equator in more than 40% of analyzed eyes in patients with and without AMD. Drusen, reticular pigmentary change and paving stone degeneration occur significantly more frequently in eyes with AMD compared to healthy eyes. 

Optos, plc – 25 years of saving sight and saving lives

This year is the 25th anniversary for Optos.  With such a significant milestone, it is customary to reflect on the journey. It all began when Douglas Anderson, our Founder set out to commercialize a patient-friendly product that encompassed a digital widefield image of the retina in a single capture. His young son, Leif was the impetus behind this mission. Whilst he had been receiving regular eye exams, the doctor was unable to examine Leif’s entire retina and he became blind in one eye when a peripheral retinal detachment went undetected. From that point on, the mission of saving sight and saving lives was engrained in the fabric of our culture and has become the cornerstone of our vision to be The Retina Company.

Interview with Douglas Anderson

Douglas Anderson, the founder of Optos, reflects on a 25-year-long journey to bring ultra-widefield imaging into the consulting room, inspired by the experience of his own son. Interview conducted by Optician

Evaluation of coronary artery disease as a risk factor for reticular pseudodrusen

Specific AMD features in UWF images were graded. Standardised grids were used to record the spatial location of AMD features, including RPD. We found no evidence to support an association between coronary artery disease and RPD. RPD was strongly associated with intermediate AMD features.  

Refining Coats' disease by ultra-widefield imaging and optical coherence tomography angiography

Demonstrated that Coats' disease is a highly asymmetric bilateral disease and that UWF imaging is able to identify more retinal pathology than standard fundus imaging, thus guiding proper retinal photocoagulation. All clinically affected eyes exhibited retinal pathology at UWF imaging with the temporal sector most involved followed by the inferior, nasal, superior and macula.

US Ophthalmic Review Supplement

The incidence of diabetes in the US population has increased more than fourfold over the last several decades and a high proportion of these patients manifest diabetic eye disease, including diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME). 

Advanced Ocular Care

Advanced Ocular Care - Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging Facilitates Integrated Eyecare

Retinal Physician

A review of modalities for widefield angiography and their application for various pathologies

Retina Today - More Than Uveitis

Case study – optomap images are featured in the diagnosis and treatment

Optometric Office - Detecting Changes in Diabetic Retinopathy Featuring Optos and California af

Retinal imaging tools assist with detection, patient education and disease management.

Nikon and Verily Establish Strategic Alliance to Develop Machine Learning-enabled Solutions for Diabetes-related Eye Disease

December 26, 2016 - Nikon Corporation (Kazuo Ushida, President, Tokyo; referred to below as “Nikon”) and its subsidiary Optos Plc (Robert Kennedy, CEO, United Kingdom; referred to below as “Optos”) today announced a strategic alliance with Verily Life Sciences LLC (Andy Conrad, CEO, United States; referred to below as “Verily”, formerly known as Google Life Sciences) in the field of machine learning-enabled retinal imaging.

Clinical trial study results for optomap® suggest that peripheral retinal lesions predict progression of diabetic retinopathy

Prospective 4 year study shows significance of peripheral lesions in predicting 3 to nearly 5-fold increased risk of diabetic retinopathy progression and development of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, respectively.

Delisting and Cancellation of Trading

Further to the announcement made by Nikon Corporation and Optos plc (Optos) on 22 May 2015 that the Scheme has become effective in accordance with its terms, pursuant to Listing Rules 5.2 and 5.3 and the subsequent publication of the relevant dealing notice by the Financial Conduct Authority, Optos confirms that trading in Optos Shares on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities and the listing of Optos Shares on the Official List were cancelled with effect from 8.00 a.m. today (UK time).

Satisfaction of US Merger Control Condition

The boards of Nikon Corporation ("Nikon") and Optos plc ("Optos") announce that the waiting period under the Hart Scott Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act 1976, as amended, for the acquisition of Optos has expired and, accordingly, the Condition at paragraph 2(a) of Part Three of the Scheme Document, which was posted to Optos Shareholders on 27 March 2015 (the "Scheme Document"), has been satisfied.

Austrian Merger Clearance

The boards of Nikon Corporation ("Nikon") and Optos plc ("Optos") announce that the acquisition of Optos by Nikon obtained merger control clearance in Austria today and, accordingly, the Condition at paragraph 2(b) of Part Three of the Scheme Document, which was posted to Optos Shareholders on 27 March 2015 (the "Scheme Document"), has been satisfied.

Results of the Court Meeting and General Meeting

On 27 February 2015, the boards of Optos Plc (Optos) and Nikon Corporation (Nikon) announced that they had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer pursuant to which Nikon will acquire all of the issued and to be issued share capital of Optos (the Transaction).

First shipments of California Devices commence

LONDON, UK, 31 March 2015 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces it has commenced first shipments of California, the second device from its next generation ultra-widefield (UWF™) imaging platform. 

Posting Announcement

On 27 February 2015, the boards of Optos Plc (Optos) and Nikon Corporation (Nikon) announced that they had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer pursuant to which Nikon will acquire all of the issued and to be issued share capital of Optos (the Transaction).

Optos wins Technology of the Year at UK PLC Awards

LONDON, UK, 24 March 2015 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces it has been awarded the prestigious 2014 Technology of The Year Award at the UK PLC Awards in London. 

Offer for Optos

The boards of directors of Nikon Corporation ("Nikon") and Optos Plc ("Optos") are pleased to announce that they have agreed the terms of a recommended cash offer to be made by Nikon for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Optos.

Preliminary Results FY14

LONDON, UK, 19 November 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces its preliminary results for the financial year ended 30 September 2014 (“FY14”).  All figures are reported in US$, the Company’s reporting currency.

Optos unveils California, its next generation ultra-wide imaging device

LONDON, UK, 20 October 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, is pleased to announce that California, the second device from its next generation ultra-widefield (UWF) imaging platform, was unveiled at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) meeting in Chicago on Saturday, 18 October, 2014. 

Pre-Close Trading Update

LONDON, UK, 10 October 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today provides a pre-close trading update for the financial year ended 30 September 2014 (“FY14”), ahead of the publication of its Preliminary Results on 19 November 2014. All figures, which are reported in US dollars (US$), are unaudited.

Optos in £10 million collaboration with NHS

LONDON, UK, 6 October 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces a £10 million collaboration with Scientists and Clinicians from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and the Universities of Kent and Strathclyde, for the development of a new imaging technology that could allow earlier detection of sight threatening eye disease. 

Interim Management Statement

LONDON, UK, 17 July 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today publishes its Interim Management Statement for the period from 1 October 2013 to today, including data for the three month period ended 30 June 2014, the third quarter of the Company's FY14 financial year, and nine months to 30 June 2014 (YTD14).  All figures are reported in US$ and are unaudited.

Daytona Ultra-widefield Imaging Device from Optos plc Wins “Best Technology” at the 2014 European Mediscience Awards

LONDON, UK, 20 June 2014 - Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, is pleased to announce that it’s Daytona ultra-widefield imaging (UWF) device has won “Best Technology” at the 2014 Mediscience Awards.

Interim Results for the six months to 31 March 2014

LONDON, UK, 15 May 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, today publishes its interim results for the first half of its financial year ending 30 September 2014 (H1 FY14).  All figures are reported in US$ and are unaudited.

Continued growth in new customers

LONDON, UK, 21 January 2014 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today publishes its Interim Management Statement for the period from 1 October 2013 to today, including data for the three month period ended 31 December 2013, the first quarter of the Company's FY14 financial year.  All figures are reported in US$ and are unaudited.

Preliminary Results FY13

LONDON, UK, 21 November 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2013 ("FY13").  All figures are reported in US$, the Company's reporting currency.

Rob Kennedy Appointed CFO

LONDON, UK, 16 October 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, announces that Rob Kennedy, currently Interim CFO has been appointed CFO with immediate effect. Rob succeeds Louisa Burdett, whose decision to step down was announced in July.

Optos Secures First Corporate Account Order for Daytona in United States

LONDON, UK, 9 October 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, announces that it has agreed terms to supply 100 Daytona ultra-widefield retinal imaging devices to HVHC, Inc. for installation in its Visionworks’ optometry stores in the USA.

Pre-Close Trading Update

LONDON, UK, 9 October 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today provides a pre-close trading update for the financial year ended 30 September 2013 (“FY13”), ahead of the publication of its Preliminary Results on 21 November 2013. All figures, which are reported in US dollars (US$), are unaudited.

Directorate Change

LONDON, UK, 18 July 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces that Louisa Burdett has decided to step down from her role as Chief Financial Officer. Robert Kennedy, currently Group Director of Finance and Company Secretary, will become interim CFO with immediate effect. Louisa will remain with the business until the end of September to facilitate an orderly handover of responsibilities.

Interim Management Statement

LONDON, UK, 18 July 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today publishes its Interim Management Statement for the period from 1st October 2012 to today, including data for the third quarter of its financial year ending 30 September 2013 (Q313) and nine months to 30 June 2013 (YTD13). All figures are reported in US$ and are unaudited.

Interim Results for the six months to 31st March 2013 Transitioning in FY13 from renewals to new customers

LONDON, UK, 16th May 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, today publishes its interim results for the first half of its financial year ending 30 September 2013 (H1 FY13).  All figures are reported in US$ and are unaudited.

optomap Increases Percentage of Pathology Detected in Conventional Eye Exam

April 15, 2013, MARLBOROUGH, MA Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a world leader in retinal imaging, today announced that the results from a study comparing retinal imaging techniques in 339 eyes conducted at the New England College of Optometry were published in Eye and Brain 1.

Optos plc provides an update on current trading and further details of the sale of 250 Daytona devices to OPSM

LONDON, UK, 20th March 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, provides an update on current trading in advance of its interim results announcement on 16th May 2013.

OptosOCT/SLO – Retinal Structure and Functional Testing in one Device

11 March 2013 - Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a world leader in retinal imaging, today announced that it has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Microperimetry as part of the OptosOCT SLO. Microperimetry assesses retinal sensitivity providing a precise correlation between structural pathology and corresponding visual functional defects. This data provides more clinical information to support the evaluation of patients’ vision.

Interim Management Statement

LONDON, UK, 22 January 2013 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today publishes its Interim Management Statement. All financial figures are in US$ and cover the three month period ended 31st December 2012, the first quarter of the company's FY13 financial year. All figures are unaudited.

Preliminary Results FY12

LONDON, UK, 21 November 2012 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), the leading medical retinal imaging company, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2012. The results are denominated in $US, the Company's reporting currency.