- Five year old Leif Anderson suffered a spontaneous retinal detachment. His father, Douglas committed to develop an advanced retinal imaging system.

- Plus 180 project spun out of Crombie Anderson Associates
- Optos was registered with the name Zenoplan Ltd which changed to Besca Ltd then became Optos Ltd.

- The original napkin sketch which lead to the technological breakthrough which lead to our first patent application

- Some very supportive Investors Mike Rutterford, Douglas Anderson, Barry Sealey
- First Plus 180 displayed at the American Academy of Ophthalmology

- Original conceptual operations and design for the first ultra-widefield retinal imaging device

- Panoramic 200 is granted a patent and approved for sale in Europe
- US Headquarters opens

- Panoramic 200 launched at the American Academy of Optometry and the American Academy of Ophthalmology

- Panoramic 200 becomes commercially available in the US, Canada and Germany

- The first P200 sold to Louis Frank, OD
- Mirren Stevens, first baby to be imaged

- HRH The Princess Royal, visits Optos Global Headquarters

- Optos opened London Stock Exchange and celebrated admission and first day of unconditional trading
- Optos named winner of the 2006 Royal Academy MacRobert Award for Innovation in Engineering
- Douglas with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth after receiving the Order of the British Empire in recognition of his distinguished service to the sciences

- Optos awarded the 2007 Queen’s Award for Enterprise
- 10 millionth optomap patient imaged

- Full release of P200MA in March
- P200C launched in April
- Optos named European Inventor of the Year

- Optos acquired Opto Global
- 200Dx introduced into Optometry
- 200Tx introduced into Ophthalmology
- Optos began the Lean Journey for manufacturing

- Daytona introduced
- 30 millionth optomap patient imaged
- Optos acquired Opko Instrumentation for OCT technology
- Optos won 2nd place 2011 Best Technology PLC Award

- Scottish Business Achievement Award Trust presented to CEO Roy Davis by HRH The Princess Royal
- Daytona began shipping
- Won the prestigious 2012 Scottish Enterprise Life Sciences Business Leadership Award
- Results of Joslin Diabetes Study stated that optomap is equivalent to the ETDRS Gold Standard
- OptosAdvance Software launched

- 40 millionth optomap patient imaged
- 2nd Joslin study indicated patients with predominantly peripheral lesions had a 4 times increased risk of progressing to a more severe level of retinopathy

- California revealed at the American Academy of Ophthalmology
- Highest level of installations in one year, 1,271 which represented a 24% growth
- Optos won Technology of the Year award at European Mediscience Awards
- ProView™ software launched

- Optos acquired by Nikon Corporation

- Over 50 million people have had an optomap retinal image and more than 10,000 devices are installed worldwide
- Daytona plus launched
- Optos display installed in the National Museum of Scotland
- Nikon and Verily establish strategic alliance to develop machine learning-enabled solutions for diabetes-related eye disease

- Optos celebrates their 25th anniversary of incorporation
- OPERA study published demonstrating 97% of AMD patients have periphheral drusen

- Monaco Launched
- DRCR Protocol AA study publication validating UWF equivelant to ETDRS
- OptosCloud launched in the US
- Optical Supplier of the Year (Optician Awards)

- The Queen's award for Enterprise for Innovation for California
- Scottish Engineering President's Award for Excellence 2019
- Over 16,000 devices installed
- Over 150 Million patients imaged
- Silverstone launched
- More than 1,000 clinical publications
- Ultra-widefield Definition Paper published
- OptosCloud launched in Canada and EU
- For the second year running, Optical Supplier of the Year (Optician Awards)
- Monaco segementation launched in EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand