Commit to Helping Patients Save Their Sight During Save Your Vision Month

Each March, the American Optometric Association (AOA) and eye care practitioners around the world observe Save Your Vision Month. During this time, participating practitioners are encouraged to raise awareness for the importance of routine eye exams. This is also a great time to share what patients can do to maintain healthy vision throughout their life.


Helping patients save their vision and preventing unnecessary vision loss is an important part of Optos’ mission. Our mission began in the early 1990s when our founder Douglas Anderson’s then five-year-old son was diagnosed with blindness in one eye after a retinal detachment was detected far too late. Anderson’s son had been receiving regular exams, but he noticed these exams were especially uncomfortable for young children, making it nearly impossible for a practitioner to perform a thorough exam and be able to view the entire retina at once. Through this experience, Anderson set out to develop a retinal imaging product capable of producing an ultra-widefield (UWF) image of the retina that would comfortably accommodate patients of all ages and abilities.


Since the beginning Optos has introduced several UWF retinal imaging devices which incorporate our innovative optomap® technology and allows practitioners to see and diagnose more by providing a 200° view of the retina. As our case studies share, many patients of our customers have had their vision saved as the result of an optomap® exam, and in some instances, the exam has even provided a life-saving diagnosis.

ultra-widefield retinal imaging devices

As you’re encouraging patients to establish good habits that will help them maintain healthy eyes and vision throughout their lives, consider the technology you currently have to offer. If your practice’s technology is in need of an update in order to help patients save their vision, contact Optos. Our representatives will be happy to provide you with more information about our UWF retinal imaging devices and how they can benefit your practice and patients.