Catch Optos at the 2014 FL Optometric Annual Convention
The Florida Optometric Association is holding their Optometric Annual Convention in conjunction with valued sponsors from July 24 through July 27 in Boca Raton, Fla. This event is designed for optometrists, students of optometry, as well as support staff. Innovative programming, quality educational opportunities, an incredible exhibit hall and fun social activities will all be featured at this gathering.
Those in attendance will have incredible educational opportunities, including a focus on new diagnosis and treatment plans for glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmic disease and innovative means of treating ocular diseases and other emergencies.
A secondary focus of these information sessions includes ways to enhance your practice and increase your bottom line. With a focus on the business aspect of your practice, sessions will inform you how to keep your patients happy, how to close sales, as well as tips on triage and history management. Since your main focus is usually on diagnosis and treatment, these sessions will very beneficial to your support staff.
The exhibit hall will feature the latest in diagnostic tools, innovative technology and accessories to improve your practice. Optos is pleased to inform you that we will be at this event, and that you’ll be able to experience our award-winning ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology first hand. Come see us and learn how partnering with us can not only help you provide earlier diagnosis of ocular disease, but also see more patients and provide better treatments and monitoring.
It’s not too late to register for this exhibition, and it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your staff. Optos understands the need for education and exposure to new technologies and would love to see you take advantage of this excellent opportunity.
For more information about the convention, or to register, please visit the Florida Optometric Association’s website. If you’d like more information about Optos products, feel free to contact us today.