The Increasing Role of UWF Imaging for Retinal Care
Retina Today emphasized not only the importance of advanced technology in the field of UWF imaging, but also how it’s currently being used to treat and diagnose issues. It also discussed what the future holds for UWF imaging.
Advanced UWF technologies provide practitioners with a much wider view of the retina than a traditional fundus camera. This wider field of view, up to 200 degrees, provides practitioners a better chance of detecting an eye or systemic issue in its earliest stages, which can often lessen the impact the issue will have on a patient’s vision and health. Advanced UWF technologies, such as Optos’ optomap exam, also help practitioners monitor methods of treatment for issues that have been diagnosed.
As for the use of UWF imaging as a diagnostic tool, Retina Today shares one case study in which a man with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes came in for a retinal evaluation. A traditional 7 standard field ETDRS photograph was taken, which revealed mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy changes. However, an optomap UWF fluorescein angiography was also taken and it revealed extensive peripheral nonperfusion and ischemia as well as areas of neovascularization in peripheral areas. The final diagnosis was proliferative diabetic retinopathy, which will require that the patient be closely monitored and possibly need earlier intervention.
However, that’s just the beginning of the usefulness of UWF imaging. As Szilárd Kiss, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology and director of clinical research at Weill Cornell Medical College writes, “ultrawidefield imaging has tremendous potential for other applications, including screening and telemedicine.” In particular, Kiss noted that nonmydriatic camera images of the retina taken through UWF “could be a valuable asset in endocrinologists’ or primary care physicians’ offices, allowing ophthalmologists to screen images remotely for signs that may require follow-up.” It can also be valuable in pediatric cases, especially those in which a low birthweight baby would need to be monitored for retinopathy of prematurity.

An optomap fa fluorescein angiography image showing proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Optos has the vision to be the retina company. We aim to be recognized as a leading provider of retinal imaging devices and technology, as well as other diagnostic equipment that will improve patient care. Visit our website to learn more about our solutions, and stay tuned to our blog for further updates concerning the increasing role of UWF imaging and technology in retinal care.