Retinal Imaging: A Vital Tool for Detection and Education
In 2010, Robert E Downs, OD, attended a seminar where he met with an Optos representatives only to learn more about the devices. He had an ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal image taken of his eyes. What he discovered quickly changed his life.
"I had two retinal detachments, and I was completely asymptomatic. One was treated with cryotherapy immediately, and the other with laser surgery later,” Downs explained. These findings bolstered his confidence in Optos and confirmed the importance UWF imaging as a vital tool in standard eye examinations.
Practicing at the Anaheim Hills Optometric Center in Anaheim Hills, California, Downs has since incorporated Optos technology into his office and said, “Almost every patient gets the imaging done. Being able to see the retina right away is a game-changer.” The technology has helped him identify retinal issues, corneal disease, conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts, as well as overall systemic disorders.
All Optos technology delivers optomap® images that capture up to 200°, or 82% of the retina in a single shot. Today, Downs uses an Optos Monaco, which combines UWF imaging with optical coherence tomography (OCT), delivering color, autofluorescence and OCT images from one device, in one view.
Dr. Downs recounts several instances where Optos imaging played a critical role in diagnosing potentially life threatening conditions. One patient was a fellow optomestrist,who was not even a regular at his practice and had mentioned reduced acuity following cataract surgery. "We did a screening on the Monaco just to get a look at the macula without having to run a complete Optovue OCT. She had superior retinal tears, the most dangerous kind. This showed up because of a routine screening," he says, still
marveling at quality and importance of the imaging. "We got her into surgery the next day. Her eyes are fine now."
In another instance, a patient with motion perception in only one eye had undergone an MRI with seemingly normal results. The optomap image uncovered a swollen optic nerve and the results were sent to a neurological team for treatment. OptosAdvanceTM software makes image sharing between specialists simple, expediting treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. The images can be annotated and are stored for year-over-year comparison and pathology tracking. Annual UWF imaging is pivotal in early detection, confident diagnoses and vision preservation.
Technology that leads to practice growth
As part of his examinations, Downs shares the image findings with his patients while they are in the exam room. By delivering an overview of findings and showing them what to look for during exams, it showcases the importance of UWF technology and increases patient satisfaction. Once his patients are educated about what could be missed without the addition of an optomap, they do not have a problem paying for the service.
"In a busy practice, where two doctors are doing 300-400 exams a month, the return on investment is very quick. It’s one of the most profitable technologies in the office, and that helps me offset other technologies or services that might not be as profitable,” he said.
Overall, Downs finds that optomap technology is an indispensable tool in his practice. It boosts his team’s confidence as it increases the accuracy of locating problem areas and diagnosing eye issues. "I will not live without it. I'll do it for a patient for free if I have to," he said. The peace of mind that comes with knowing that issues are no longer able to hide in periphery is invaluable.
Monaco is the ONLY ultra-widefield device to combine 200 degree optomap images with an SD-OCT. Now, Monaco includes tools to automatically segment, measure, and display key parameters in relation to the comprehensive Reference Database population for US markets.
Clinically support by over 3,000 peer-reviewed studies across more than 250 disease states. Proven to enhance clinic flow. proven to detect more pathology. Proven to improve treatment decisions. 200 degrees in a single shot is the only proven ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology that can make these claims. If you are ready to learn more, and enhance your practice with Optos technology, contact us today to speak with your local representative.