Ultra-widefield Imaging Assists in Diagnosing Eye Problems in Children & Infants
According to an article published in Retina Today, Optos ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal system technology, specifically the Optos 200TX™, is making great strides in diagnosing and treating eye problems in children and infants. Due to the cutting-edge modalities and ease-of-operation with an optomap® exam, signs of retinal disease can be found in the periphery, often before children and infants become symptomatic.
Before the use of optomap, obtaining just a 75 degree view of the fundus was a cumbersome, multi-stage effort made more complicated by children and babies’ natural tendencies to become impatient during exams. The Optos ultra-widefield imaging system provides a 200 degree view in a single scan and without dilation, making the imaging process easier and faster.
According to the article, as the leading cause of blindness in in babies and children, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is gaining the most advantage with the implementation of UWF technology. ROP generally occurs in premature babies (born at 31 weeks or less) that have extremely low birth weights (2 3/4 pounds or less). With advances in medicine, more premature babies are being saved earlier in the gestation period. The ease of obtaining high definition images and the ability to compare and contrast the findings remotely proved to be beneficial in clinical trials.
For more information on Optos technology, we invite you to contact us.