Identifying Your Practice’s Target Patient Demographics

Have you ever noticed that patients sometimes apply a “shopping” strategy to the process of choosing an eyecare practitioner? As odd as it sounds, a survey performed for the Vistakon Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. revealed that “Patients choose your practice or reject it, based on how well the value proposition you offer aligns with their own shopping philosophies,” (Optometric Management).


Source: scottchan /

The survey queried 7,500 visioncare consumers who ranged in age from 18 to 60. Participants were asked to answer 624 questions related to the factors that play into decisions regarding the purchase of glasses or contacts. As the results were tallied, five specific visioncare shopper segments were identified, which are:

Discriminating Health Investors: 19 percent of participants were identified as “discriminating health investors,” or shoppers who want only the very best and are able to pay for it. High-quality products and advanced technology, as well as building a trusted relationship with their practitioner, are of extreme importance.

Skilled Shoppers: Skilled shoppers accounted for another 19 percent of the population of survey participants. These visioncare shoppers seek quality products, care, and service, but also “want to feel like they are getting a good deal.”

Effort Minimizers: These visioncare shoppers make up 25 percent of visioncare shoppers and possess attributes that are similar to those of skilled shoppers. However, effort minimizers are usually younger and are most concerned with saving time over saving money. They often make impromptu decisions and they are impulse buyers.

Constrained Budgeters: This segment of visioncare shoppers (22 percent) desire to have the best in vision care and products, but within their budget. Often, when it comes to healthcare spending, these shoppers will prioritize which family members and health concerns money is spent on.

Cost Minimizers: This segment of the patient population accounted for 15 percent of the survey participants. They desire the lowest possible price, usually because they “have the least discretionary income, so credentials, frills or ‘add-ons,’… are not viable options.”

Understanding which demographic (in terms of visioncare shoppers) makes up the bulk of your practice’s patient base can be extremely helpful in bringing in technology and services that will attract like-minded patients. For example, optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging offers the added value of attracting patients that both appreciate high-end technology and are happy to pay for such services.

How do you identify and appeal to the target demographic of your practice? Leave a comment to share with us.

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