Beneficial Case Studies for Your Patient with Glaucoma

Primary Care Optometry News is a publication that summarizes current studies being performed on patients in order to help ophthalmologists stay informed on the latest ways to maintain and treat patients with a variety of ailments.


This summer, Primary Care Optometry News published the results of several studies that demonstrate how early eye disease detection devices are making great strides in diagnosing glaucoma earlier, allowing ophthalmologists and their patients time to weigh in on treatments before the disease progresses too far.

retinal scan

Color optomap image detecting glaucoma.

An analysis originally found published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology studied patients with familial histories of primary open-angle glaucoma and a control group that did not. The group was divided by how closely related they were to family members that had the disease and then by healthy or non-healthy eyes. Using a comprehensive eye exam, the researchers found a significant thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and macular ganglion cell complex (MGCC) in those with a family history of glaucoma.


Another study performed showed Optos OCT SLO. This study also showed a 5 percent decrease in severe vision-loss cases in those who had had an OCT exam and received early treatment.


Studies such as the ones described above support the need for early eye disease detection for your patients’ best chance to avoid partial and complete vision loss due to glaucoma. With treatment starting in the early stages of the disease, it is possible to counteract the negative effects it has on the nerves and tissues of the eyes and stave off blindness.


Optos would like to partner with you to help provide resources and equipment for early eye disease detection for your patients. Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn how our ultra-widefield technology can benefit your practice.