Growing Health Concerns Lead to a Push for Preventive Health Care

In recent years, a variety of health issues have gained a significant amount of attention. Conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity are just a few of the many health problems that are contributing to the very grim prediction that “The current generation of American children may be the first not to live as long as their parents,” according to an article in the Georgia Health News.


The good news is that most of the health issues plaguing our nation are actually preventable or can be effectively managed when detected in their earliest stages. That’s why preventive health care is important now more than ever. The World Research Foundation notes that preventive health care offers a variety of benefits ranging from avoiding the need to deal with painful symptoms to simply having more energy, as well as maintaining a healthier lifestyle.


Preventive health care not only includes annual physical exams, but annual eye exams, as well. Many cases of vision loss could be prevented and treated if the issue were detected early on. Additionally, many systemic diseases can be spotted through a retinal exam long before other symptoms present themselves – a fact that many of your patients might not be aware of, as a study by the American Optometric Association found out.


A large number of people are unaware of the health problems an eye exam could detect (by %):

systemic diseases detectable through eye exams

Early detection means successful treatments can be administered and reduces the risk to your patients’ sight and health. Help protect your patients sight and even their lives and educate them on the importance of regular eye exams!


The unique optomap 200° ultra-wide view helps detect early signs of retinal and systemic diseases that may first present in the periphery and go undetected using traditional examination techniques and equipment. The exam is patient-friendly, fast to operate and suitable for the majority of patients.


Practitioners interested in learning more about how an optomap can provide preventive benefits to their patients may visit the Optos website for more information.